Drive Customers Online while In-Store from Every Aisle and Every Product
with a Simple Tap of the Phone
At eSmart Company, we know you are the kind of people who want to be the HERO for the people you serve.
To be that way, you need to continue educating and connecting with your customers before and AFTER the service is complete.
The problem is, there is no way to get to your prospects AT THE POINT they are making the buying decision or AT the point of service and STAY connected without compromising your budget or your service to others, which makes you feel powerless.
We believe the time of NO ongoing, direct, contactless communication is OVER!
We understand this communication gap leads to
one time engagements and that’s an unfavorable outcome. That's why we have designed the eSmart® ecoSystem to bridge the gap to effective and
continuous and contactless customer communication before and after products are sold and services are rendered, which will lead to better long-term results. Here's how it works:
① First, an eSmart® Engagement Point™ incorporated with the customer’s product.
② Next, the customer taps their smartphone to the Engagement Point™.
③ Then, custom, relevant and engaging information displays on the customer’s smartphone.
This information is
available to the customer well after the purchase or services are rendered and can be updated, by you, at any time. It's always available
with a simple tap of their smartphone.
So, partner with eSmart®, so you can stop being powerless when it comes to
staying connected to those you serve and start being the HERO that keeps people Safe,
Healthy and Connected®.
Give each customer personalized attention on demand with the eSmart® ecoSystem.
Add landing pages and sync POS/Product data to the eSmart® platform.
Add the Engagement Point™ (EP™) to your product shelf, customer's medication, product packaging, ID band, keychain, access card ... the possibilities are endless.
Customers tap their personal smart phone on the
to be personally engaged, on demand on their mobile device, any time of day, no matter where they are!
Over the last several years, the eSmart® team has become the experts in bridging the gap between physical and digital customer experiences. Having a team of marketing professionals with 10 years of customer care experience, engineers averaging 18 years of experience, and marketing professionals averaging 12 years of experience, we OWN customer engagement in a way no one else can match. Each of us have been personally affected by the changing digital landscape and have a passion for making complex technology simple and useful and helping to enrich the lives of our human family. That's one of the many reasons why we are committed to help you to easily bridge the gap between digital and traditional experiences ensuring customers remain Safe, Healthy and Connected® to YOU.
with a quick tap of the phone
Join the eSmart® ecoSystem and connect with customers like never before!